Saturday, January 14, 2006

The Five Obses- I Mean Habits...

Alright, I've come up with the list of various quirks that Whiskey Mike has asked us to share, but I'm afraid the command to tag five others will have to go unheeded, as there are none left to receive such an honor. Here goes:

1.Double-checking: Call it what you will (OCD?), but I always have a nagging desire to double, sometimes triple, check everything I do that bears some degree of romantic finality. Looking at a letter before dropping it in the mailbox, reading directions at least twice over(from road maps to recipes), checking to see that my e-mails have indeed been 'sent', performing the same math problem a number of times,that sort of thing. It may be a bit compulsive and unnecessary, but I justify it by reminding myself that I'm also extremely absent-minded, and tend to do these sort of things wrong the first time. :)

2.Going through grocery stores backwards: OK, I don't know why, but I usually begin with the frozen food sections of most grocery stores, and end in the fruit aisle. This is not very logical, as it allows more time for your ice cream to melt, but I do believe it is my favorite aisle in the place. There may be something to be said for the subconscious here.

3.Keeping boxes: I am notorious for keeping all sorts of boxes and bags around in the hopes that they will come in handy for presents, projects, etc. After Christmas or a Birthday party, for example, the mere presence of all those empty boxes fills me with an exuberance that defies explanation - I must keep them all, I simply must.

4.Delight in anti-bacterial agents/cleaning: Deep down, there rages a war - on the countertops, in the bathroom, over the floors. Millions of microbes vying for mastery over our sinks, our showers, yes, even our doorknobs. That is why I keep a private arsenal of various chemically-enhanced ballistics designed to obliterate all forms of bellicose bacteria. These aggressors need to be met head-on at least once a week, sometimes twice, especially if certain battalions have been augmented by spilled foods or some common household disaster (Fridge going out) - they'll take all they can get. And the war rages ever on...

5.C.B.S.- Chronic Baking Syndrome: I will let this one explain itself, as most of you know my propensity for providing certain delectables at a moment's notice. More often than not, this 'notice' arises from an inner desire to please; but I deserve no thanks, for you cannot fathom the utter delight involved in preparing such pleasures.


At 1/14/2006 3:12 PM, Blogger Flannery said...

Sounds like your roommates live in pampered luxury. :)


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